How to build muscle

How to build muscle mass? There is no simple recipe for this, because building mass is a long-term work that requires a lot of humility. The effects of hypertrophy of muscle tissue are the sum of many elements repeated for weeks. Building muscle, unlike building fat, is not about eating products you want. This is the implementation of the assumptions adopted at the beginning of the plan. In the article below we’ll answer a simple question: how to build muscle?

Caloric surplus – how to achieve it?

At the very beginning, starting to build muscle mass, we must increase the calorie content of our diet. In order for the calories to increase, you need to know the caloric demand that we adjust to your age, sex and amount of physical activity. We can use dietetic calculators for the calculation. The obtained result can be controlled by measuring body circumference and weight.

building muscles

The right amount of protein in your diet

Protein is the main building block of body tissues. However, contrary to popular belief, there is no need to increase its quantity to astronomical proportions. The current scientific position determining the average of 49 studies indicates that 1.62 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight per day is sufficient. The range is, however, from 1.4 to 1.8 g / kg / day.

Vitamins and microelements are needed for protein metabolism to occur. Therefore, excess protein can lead to deficiencies, resulting in impaired metabolism (anabolism) of muscle proteins. Protein metabolism is energy consuming, its excess will result in greater energy expenditure and less energy during training necessary to build strength.

In turn, a deficiency of protein or individual amino acids will prevent building muscle mass. Lack of valuable amino acids intensifies catabolic reactions. With a low-protein diet, the increase in calorific value of the test subjects only increased body fat.


Prepare yourself well before each workout. A warm-up will help you get through our exercises more efficiently. We should divide it into two stages. First, warm up the whole body, starting from top to bottom. In the next step, we warm up the muscles that will work during training.

Building muscle mass is primarily a proper training. Physical exercises cause damage to muscle tissue, which are built up by the body with new and stronger bonds. Strength exercises are appropriate to achieve the correct weight. Even training performed 3 times a week brings great results.

Regeneration is the most important element of maintaining a proper anabolic balance. The right amount of sleep is 7-8 hours a day. Short naps during the day are also good. It is during sleep that all muscle mass builds up. Lack of sleep leads to the formation of the stress hormone, which translates into more body fat. Cortisol reduces protein and hinders the absorption of amino acids by muscles. Remember that too much training and less time for recovery also leads to cortisol.



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